Exclusively from the manufacturers of SASTM training, instruments and products, Carpal Therapy, Inc., comes this six-piece instrument set.
- Hard, durable carrying case
- Instruments 1-6
- SASTM cream
- Instruction manual
- Interactive CD ROM
- Free introductory seminar
A pioneer in the industry of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, David Graston has come up with the instruments and method to treat your patients with soft tissue injuries. How do we know it works? Graston developed the tools and technique to aid his own recovery from a knee injury obtained while skiing, as well as from carpal tunnel.
David Graston spent years researching, developing and gathering feedback on these tools and techniques. The result is the SASTM instruments and method. Continuing his work with therapists, medical doctors, professional trainers, athletes and chiropractors around the world, he helps more people each day to improve range of motion, recovery time, performance and flexibility significantly using the SASTM method and related instruments.
In theory, SASTM is effective in treating patients because the instruments break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The ergonomic design of the instruments makes it possible to locate restrictions using sound waves. You will then be able to treat the area that is affected with appropriate pressure because of the square surface concept.
Quality measuring devices and medical diagnostic equipment is crucial to any health care professional. Let your patient know you care by stocking your practice with only the best.